My Yaesu FT-817 gets a overhaul
After many years of use, my FT-817 has developed a number of issues that prompted me to spend part of my vacation repairing it. I want to thank Stuart MM1AVG for his blog on how to replace my SELECT control. The critical elements of this repair are 1) how to disconnect the ribbon cable from the main unit 2) removing the main tuning knob 3) using a good desoldering station that will allow you to desolder the old control without damaging the front panel circuit board. One additional point I wanted to mention was how to remove the main tuning knob on the 817. It is not very obvious but if you slide the rubber knob ring off of the plastic knob housing, this reveals an allen set screw hiding underneath that need to be loosened up to take the knob off. One might assume it is a push on type of knob and try to pry it off the tuning shaft with disastrous results. Dont do that :) Also worth mentioning is the fact that the new replacement SELECT control has a longer shaft and requires a ...